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Sullivan's Island Elementary School

Susan King

Principal: Ms. Susan King
Address: 2014 Mike Perkis Place
City & Zipcode: Sullivan's Island, SC 29482
Phone: (843) 883-3118
Fax: (843) 883-3134
Grades: CD - 5
Type of School: Constituent District Magnet (D2)
Enrollment: 509
Hours of Operation: 7:25 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.

Department of Education 2022-2023 Report Card Data 

Building Information

Following the mantra of “learning by the sea,” Sullivan’s Island Elementary is only a stone’s throw from the Atlantic Ocean. Perched above a beautiful beach, the 74,000 sq. ft. school is built on stilts, which raise the classrooms to nearly treetop level. Windows that open to the sea encourage exploration and inspiration inside the school, where instructors teach academic skills and environmental responsibility.
Year Opened: 2014
Square Footage: 74,724
Acreage: 19.2
Project Sheet