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Jennie Moore Elementary School


Karen Felder

Principal: Ms. Karen Felder
Address: 2725 Bulrush Basket Lane
City & Zipcode: Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Phone: (843) 849-2815
Fax: (843) 849-2891
Grades: Early Childhood - 5th
Type of School: Constituent District Magnet
Enrollment: 999
Hours of Operation:7:25 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.

Department of Education 2022-2023 Report Card Data 

Building Information

Jennie Moore
The facility is approximately 156,000 square feet. The building contains instructional space for Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade, including Special Education, computer labs, Science / Project labs, Art, Music, and drama rooms, as well as the cafeteria, Multi-purpose, administration and support spaces. Included in the design is space for the community to use that can be isolated for after-hours use. The design is to meet LEED certification.
Year Built: 2015
Square Footage: 154,185
Acreage: Shared with Laing Middle School
Project Sheet