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Chicora Elementary School

Monica Smalls

Principal: Ms. Monica Smalls
Address: 3100 Carner Avenue
City & Zipcode: North Charleston, SC 29405
Phone: (843) 746-2210
Fax: (843) 566-7792
Grades: CD - 5
Type of School: Neighborhood
Enrollment: 318
Hours of Operation: 7:25 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.

Department of Education 2022-2023 Report Card Data 


Building Information


Chicora elementary
The project received its Certificate of Occupancy on August 9, 2016 and was ready to receive students on August 15th for the first day of school. The school houses pre-K through 5th grade and include support functions such as media center, science, art and music rooms, multi-purpose/dining facilities and administrative space. Classroom wings are two-story elements with all support and common areas on the first floor.

Year Built: 2016
Square Footage: 78,678
Acreage: shared with Military Magnet