Coaching: The Change Makers - Allison Rouse
Allison Rouse, Mitchell Elementary - Math Coach
What is your “WHY” for working in Acceleration Schools?
I have been a teacher for 14 years, and all 14 years have been at Mitchell. Teaching the most at-need students takes a dedicated and highly skilled person. In AS schools, it is not just about academics and making growth, it's about accelerating student academic growth and a TEAM of teachers willing to put in the effort to ensure that accelerated growth. Sometimes that means addressing the whole child’s needs first for learning. Here in AS, we have those additional resources to address the whole child and high-quality instruction.
You grew up in Charleston; how does that shape your mindset about the students you teach?
I believe all students can learn no matter their zip code and the side of the river and bridge they live on. All children can learn when given a rigorous curriculum appropriate learning strategies are utilized. To teach divergent learners, you have to expand your teacher toolbox and teach in a non-traditional way. You must meet your students where they are and grow them to be the best while also aiming for 1 to 1 ½ years of growth.
What is your role as a Math coach?
My role as a math coach was never in my future; however, after many years in the classroom with repeated success and having high test scores in all of CCSD, my principal Dr. Sainz saw fit that I share my knowledge with others. So, my role is to support the teachers in all aspects of the Bridges and Number Corner curriculum, facilitate, dive into data using different protocols, coach teachers using the get better faster to set goals with teachers, model lessons, give observation feedback to grow to see school-wide trends, attend leading educator sessions, plan with administrators; the role is fantastic! The role is impressive, but at the end of the day, I am here to support my teachers and Mitchell students.
Describe a week as a Coach.
What a heavy load bearing question! Let’s list some of my weekly to-dos:
Meet with admin
Pull I-ready lesson reports to share with teachers and make student certificates
8-10 walkthroughs a week
Follow up with those teachers from my walkthroughs and set action steps
Plan PLC based on LE schedule with PLC leaders
Wellness checks for math interventionist
Create MTSS agenda
Pull data for anything that is needed
Create schedules
½ Planning with teachers for RTI and small daily groups
Pull supplemental lessons
Assist teachers when needed
Why is coaching teachers important?
Every teacher, even the best, can always grow and improve. Coaching teachers allows them to grow and improve their pedagogy, instruction, best practices, management, and rigor!