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Frequently Asked Questions

LINK: Download the CCSD Transportation FAQ. |  Download the CCSD Transportation Q & A

How do I know which school my child is zoned for?

Use the CCSD Cropper map. 

How do I know which bus my child rides?

Use the Bus Stop Lookup Tool

When should I get to the bus stop and how long should I wait?

Please arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before and stay until 10 minutes after the published time.

What are the rules about Magnet School bus stops?

Centralized locations are used for magnet/choice school bus stops and could be as far as five miles from your home. These are parent assisted bus stops and are not intended to be stops to which students can walk or be left unattended. 

Does my child have to ride the bus closest to my house?

Please check with your school’s leadership if you decide to ride a bus that is not closest to your house.  In most cases this should be fine as long as there is not overcrowding on a bus.

How do I request a bus stop be added?

Complete the Bus Stop Request Form

How do I report an unsafe bus, bus stop or bus operation?

Complete the Complaint/Feedback Form.  In an emergency situation, call 911.

What is my responsibility at the bus stop as a parent/guardian?

Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, conduct, and the timely arrival of  their children to, from and at the designated school bus stop before and after the arrival  of the school bus for pick up and transport to school and the timely departure of the  child after the school bus leaves the designated school bus stop after transporting the  children from school. For purposes of this section, the phrase "arrival of the school bus"  includes the time that the school bus assigned to the school bus stop activates the  required pedestrian safety devices, stops, and loads or unloads students until the  school bus deactivates all pedestrian safety devices. (SC CODE OF LAWS - SECTION  59-67-415)

Why can’t the bus stop when it passes my house?

School bus stops are placed in locations to accommodate students in an area that allows for the route length to be within state/district guidelines.


What are the expectations for student conduct during transportation?

The school bus is considered school property - an extension of the school - all rules that apply to proper conduct in the classroom and school also apply to the bus.  Most importantly, all riders should follow the safety rules and respect and obey the driver.  Riding the school bus is a privilege.  If the behavior of any student is unacceptable, riding privileges will be revoked.  If revoked, it is the parents responsibility to transport the student to and from school. 


Why would my child have a seat assignment on the bus?

Students can be assigned a seat on the bus.  If the driver determines it necessary, this process can aid the driver with learning the students, managing student behavior, and/or ensuring safety. Assigned seats on the bus are not considered a form of punishment.