School Security Officers
School Security Officers (SSOs) are armed security officers assigned to a CCSD school to help ensure the campus remains safe for its students, staff, and visitors. SSOs are primarily used at schools that do not have a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO). SSOs are employed by the district’s security contractor, but the program is overseen by CCSD’s Office of Security and Emergency Management.
No. SSOs are being used at schools where law enforcement agencies are unable to provide SROs.
The State of South Carolina establishes minimum training requirements for licensed security officers; however, CCSD requires that SSOs shall have received advanced training and experience above the state requirements. SSOs complete an internal district orientation to ensure they are familiar with topics specific to schools including district emergency response procedures, drill procedures, visitor management guidelines, and the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
SSOs must possess a security license from the State of South Carolina. Additionally, CCSD requires the following for SSOs:
- At least five (5) years of experience in a profession that provided the incumbent with advanced training and experience in skills necessary for the SSO position such as public safety, handgun proficiency, shoot/no shoot decision making, force protection, crisis response, and campus safety. This training shall have been above the minimum training required of armed security officers by the State of South Carolina. Examples of professions that may provide this experience include law enforcement, military, and/or corrections. Or,
- Any other combination of education, experience, and training as approved by CCSD Security and Emergency Management.
SSOs are interviewed and selected by administrators within the CCSD Office of Security and Emergency Management who are previous law enforcement supervisors.
A SRO is a full-time law enforcement officer employed by a local police department or Sheriff’s Office. SROs are assigned to a school and fulfill the roles of a law enforcement officer, informal counselor/mediator, and law-related educator. SROs are armed and possess arrest authority.
A SSO is a full-time security officer employed by CCSD’s security contractor. SSOs are licensed by the State of South Carolina, and they carry a firearm and possess arrest authority on CCSD property. Their primary responsibility on campus is the physical protection of the school.
SSOs are not involved in student discipline. They are responsible for the physical security of the campus, not managing student behavior.