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Emergency Operations Plan

EOP Cover Page

The Charleston County School District (CCSD) Security and Emergency Management team is responsible for the management of the district's Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).  This all-hazards plan is intended to support key district leaders and employees, principals and site administrators, teachers, and other staff in developing and implementing plans to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and/or mitigate the impacts of a school-based incident or emergency that may affect or pose a risk to the students, teachers, staff, visitors, or others within CCSD.  These incidents or emergencies can include unplanned occurrences such as a tornado or bomb threat, or planned events such as large athletic competitions or ceremonies.

Each CCSD school or facility utilizes the district's EOP, which is customizable by the principal or site administrator to contain relevant site-specific information and plans.  Members of the Security and Emergency Management team, along with local public safety partners, work with principals/site administrators and the facility's School Critical Incident Planning (SCIP) team to establish their site-specific plan.

Organization of the EOP

CCSD completed a major reorganization and expansion of its Emergency Operations Plan in 2021, adopting the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Education for creating high quality school emergency operations plans.  Stakeholders from schools, emergency management agencies, law enforcement, fire service, mental health, Office of Exceptional Children, and others were involved in the review and revision of the EOP.  The CCSD EOP is divided into key sections, including the following:

The Basic Plan:  The Basic Plan establishes the district's approach to emergency response before, during, and after an incident.  Examples of sections within the Basic Plan include the following:

  • Purpose, Scope, Situation, Overview, and Assumptions;
  • Concept of Operations;
  • Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities; and
  • Training and Exercises.

Functional Annexes:  Functional annexes focus on critical operational functions that will be a part of a district's emergency response to a variety of incidents.  Examples of Functional Annexes in the EOP include the following:

  • Continuity of Operations;
  • Family Reunification;
  • Campus Security Procedures; and
  • Students with Disabilities During a School Emergency.

Threat and Hazard-Specific Annexes:  Threat and hazard-specific annexes provide specific goals, objectives, and courses of action to be taken before, during, and after the response to specific hazards.  Examples of the threats and hazards addressed in this section include the following:

  • Active Shooter/Assailant;
  • Earthquake;
  • Threat Against a School; and
  • Tornadoes.

In order to maintain the integrity of the district's emergency response procedures, the EOP is not subject to public disclosure.  Parents with questions regarding the district's Emergency Operations Plan can contact the Security and Emergency team at