Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures
- The implementation of an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan at all district facilities;
- Ongoing teacher and staff training in the area of campus safety and security;
- Regular emergency drills with staff and students for hazards such as earthquakes, tornadoes, armed intruders, and fires;
- The utilization of physical security measures and practices at campus facilities to help deter, detect, and/or delay a potential threat or hazard; and a
- Proactive presence on campuses by School Resource Officers (SROs) and members of the Security and Emergency Management team.
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is used by our schools to help clearly initiate response actions by staff, students, and visitors.
In the event that students and staff are required to evacuate a campus due to an emergency, the district has a family reunification plan to help reunite students with their parents/guardians at an off-site location.
Additionally, the CCSD Security and Emergency Management team plays an active role in the tri-county emergency management community and supports response efforts during community-wide events when requested. During hurricanes, for example, staff from Security and Emergency Management, Nutrition Services, Facilities Management, and various schools provide logistical support to emergency shelters managed by the American Red Cross or applicable government agency. For more information on emergency shelters, please visit the Charleston County Emergency Management Department's website.