Severe Asthma Management
If your child has asthma, it is important to communicate pertinent information regarding your child’s health status and care with your school nurse. Your school nurse will develop an Individualized Healthcare Plan and Emergency Action Plan for your child, if needed. This plan will be shared with school staff on a “need to know” basis. You play a vital role in the process of developing a school plan that is best for your child.
Here is how you can help:
- Make sure you complete the School Nurse Health Information Card (Emergency Card) each school year.
- Update your child’s health problems such as asthma, breathing problems or any other health problems.
- All possible emergency contact phone numbers– make sure to keep numbers current if changed during the school year.
- All the medicine your child takes (rescue inhaler and other medications taken at home).
- The name and phone number of your child’s doctor.
- Make sure a current Parent Information For Medications and Medical Procedures Doctor’s Orders is on file with the school nurse for any medications that need to be given at school.
- Make sure your child follows their plan of care at home. It is very important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, especially what time of day and how much medicine your child should take. Don’t let the prescription run out! If you have trouble paying for your prescription, notify your school nurse to see if he or she can find a resource to help you.
- If the health care provider has written a specific Asthma Action or Emergency Plan, please make sure the school nurse has a copy. If your child uses a Peak Flow Meter, make sure the school nurse is aware.
- If you would like for your child to self medicate and/or self monitor, please complete the parent and student agreement and have the health care provider complete the Self Medication/Procedure Doctor's Order form and return to the school nurse.
Please feel free to contact your school nurse if you have any questions or concerns.