Robert Rivers
Director of Facility Maintenance
Office 843-566-1966
Cell 843-296-6210
3999 Bridge View Drive
North Charleston, SC 29405
Facility Maintenance is part of the Facilities Management Department. We are tasked with the conservation of 88 schools and programs and thousands of pieces of equipment. We continuously work diligently on preserving a safe and comfortable learning environment for staff and students alike. Maintaining over 9,500,000 square feet of facilities and over 1,900 acres of land, keeps maintenance one of the most logistically involved divisions in CCSD. A tremendous amount of coordination between departments, divisions and contractors has to happen in order for us to conduct and complete our daily operations and projects. A diverse and knowledgeable staff keeps the department embracing its responsibility of aiding our students, their families and our instructional staff.
Maintenance Shops
Environmental and Energy Shops
Jeff Tisdale
Facility Maintenance Officer
Office 843-566-7376
Cell 843-484-1741
3999 Bridge View Drive
North Charleston, SC 29405
Maintenance Shops
- Electrical Shop
- Electrical Master Foreman, Billy Bagley
- Plumbing Shop
- Plumbing Master Foreman, Steven Lucchi
- Carpentry Shop
- Carpentry Foreman, John Cooper
- Locksmith Shop
- Locksmith Master Foreman, Pete Dexter
- Tiger Team
- Tiger Team Master Foreman, Eric Smith
- Auto Shop
- Mechanic Foreman, John Parker
Robert "B.J." Sturman
Environmental and Energy Officer
Office 843-566-8847
Cell 843-484-1742
3999 Bridge View Drive
North Charleston, SC 29405
Environmental and Energy Shops
- Maintenance Support/Utilites
- Utility manager, Lois Magwood
- HVAC Shop
- HVAC Master foreman, Nick Braz
- Environmental Shop
- Environmental Manager, Kurt Huffman
- Building Automation Shop
- Building Systems Manager, Anthony Rodriguez
- Roof and Building Envelope
- Roof and Facility Inspector, Antrone Coutrier
- Preventative Maintenance Shop
- PM Master Foreman, Robert Paglia