Jeffrey Borowy
Chief Operating Officer
3999 Bridge View Drive
Charleston, SC 29405
843-566-1975 (p)
Our Work
The Operations Division is dedicated to our children and faculty by delivering the following:
- A 21st-century learning environment with the "brick and mortar" of our Capital Programs Department;
- Clean, functional and comfortable school spaces by our Facilities Management team;
- An innovative and advanced source of systems, platforms, and applications from our Information Technology Department;
- Promoting healthy students and healthy schools from the Nursing Services Department;
- Nutritious and satisfying school meals - while educating our children with life-long healthy eating habits from our Nutrition Services staff;
- The best possible scholar forecasting and efficient use of our more than 9 million square feet of facilities by our Planning and Real Estate Department;
- A safe and secure learning environment and campus' by our Security team;
- Safe and timely bus service to and from school by our Transportation staff;
- Support of safe and competitive high school sports programs through our Athletics Department.