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Library and Media Services


Christy Wegmann James, MLIS/NBCT
Library & Media Services Specialist/Textbook Coordinator 

75 Calhoun St
Charleston, SC 29401


Mission Statement:

CCSD Teacher Librarians provide equitable access to diverse, current, and relevant materials.  We empower students to discover, create, and expand their understanding of the world in an open and welcoming environment.  We support all school and community stakeholders through collaborating, teaching, and removing barriers to learning.

General Information

The library is the hub and heart of learning int our schools. Teacher librarians are the only staff members to work in an instructional capacity with every student and every teacher in a school-- it’s a very important job!  We make sure all our student’s personal and academic reading needs are met with access to diverse and inclusive collections. Our libraries have something for everyone!  We help students learn to navigate complex information and model ethical participation in our interconnected world. School libraries and the role of teacher librarians have changed and evolved, and they are more important than ever.  Supporting literacy will always be central to our work, but we are also curriculum specialists, collaborative partners, technology integration experts, school leaders, and organizers of anything and everything! 

CCSD Library Program Dashboard

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