Homeschool Information and FAQ's
Low Country Virtual
Low Country Virtual is a tuition-free, full-time, online public school program for CCSD students in grades 5-8.
LCV may be an excellent alternative for CCSD students who:
Are homeschooled.
Are medically homebound or fragile;
Desire a non-traditional learning environment and a flexible schedule;
Learn at a different pace;
Are competitive athletes or performers;
Homeschool Information
South Carolina Department of Education Homeschool Information
South Carolina Department of Education Homeschool Frequently Asked Questions
If you decide to homeschool your student(s), you have three (3) options:
Option 1: Homeschool through Charleston County School District: Parents or legal guardians in Charleston County School District may teach their children at home if the Charleston County Board of Trustees approves them to do so. Charleston County School District will approve a homeschooling program which follows the standards established by the South Carolina Code of Law Title 59-65-40.
Contact Kathleen Lucicano @ Kathleen_Luciano @ or 843.937.6361 for more information and an homeschool application for Option 1.
Option 2: Register with the SC Independent Home School Association
- Attn: Katina Prescott
613 St. Andrews Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Email –
Web Address -
- Attn: Katina Prescott
Option 3: Register with a home school association that:
Has no fewer than 50 members
Requires a parent or legal guardian to hold a diploma or GED.
Requires at least 180 days of instruction.
Requires the curriculum to include the basic instructional areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies and (in grades 7 through 12) composition and literature.
Requires parents to maintain records including diary or plan book, a portfolio of work samples, semi-annual progress report (grades for each subject) and attendance records.
For a list of associations, visit the SC Department of Education website @ Option 3 Homeschool Associations. The South Carolina Department of Education does not accredit, endorse, support, or recommend any home school association.
Parents who wish to home-school their kindergarten-aged child do not need to complete a home-school application. They must complete a Kindergarten Waiver form and submit it to the District’s Home School Instruction Office. Contact Kathleen Lucicano @ or 843.937.6361 for more information and to receive a kindergarten waiver form.
Students currently enrolled in a CCSD school must provide an Approval Letter for Option 1 or a “Certificate of Membership” for Options 2 or 3 to the CCSD school the student attends before withdrawing.