Student Support Services
Lisa Allison
Executive Director of Student Support
4720 Jenkins Avenue
North Charleston, SC 29405
843-745-7150 (office)
843-566-7799 (fax)
Our Work
The Department of Student Support Services is devoted to meeting the needs of students and families by providing wrap-around services, removing barriers to success, and equitably providing the following supports and services:
Restorative Practices Training and Coaching
Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
School Psychology Services
School Counseling Services
Social Work Services
Behavior Specialist Services
Clinical Counseling Services
Mental Health and Wellness Supports
Substance Use Prevention and Intervention
Project Prevent Grants Services
Medical Homebound Instruction Services
Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations