OTIS - Office of Translation and Interpretation Services
Charleston County School District understands the importance of clear and effective communication in fostering strong partnerships between families and school. The district is committed to providing communication support to multilingual families through the following language access tools and services. Families can contact their child’s school for more information about these services.
Angela Rush
Executive Director
Flavia Facciolla Maia
Project Manager
Ally Sallyers
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
Amanda Bontekoe
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
Rosita Torres
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
Gloria Collazo Rodriguez
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
Luis Torres
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
Stephanie Vickers
Translation and Interpretation Specialist
CCSD Commitment to Multilingual Learners
Charleston County School District is committed to providing all parents/guardians of our Multilingual Learner students access to school-related essential information free of charge in a language that they can understand.
All parents/guardians have a right to request interpretation and translation services through Charleston County School District.
Interpretation and/or translation services may be requested by emailing: languagerequests@charleston.k12.sc.us or by calling 843-937-6359.
If you wish to file a complaint about language access services, you may contact languagerequests@charleston.k12.sc.us or call 843-937-6359.