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Intercultural Development


Brandi Blake

Brandi Blake, M.Ed., CDE®
Executive Director, Intercultural Development

Charleston County School District
75 Calhoun Street

Our Mission

Intercultural Developmen

The Office of Intercultural Development exists to support school leaders and staff develop their cultural competency through building awareness, gaining knowledge, developing skills, and improving attitudes around cultural differences and positively impacting academic achievement by promoting a culture that is both welcoming and culturally responsive.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups exist to create a culture of pride, celebration, and advocacy in an effort to recruit and retain diverse employees to and within Charleston County Schools. Each affinity group establishes its own mission and goals.

Want to learn more about CCSD Affinity Groups? Email


B.E.A.GBlack Educator Affinity Group

Established in 2021

~ Mission~ 

The CCSD Black Educators Affinity Group will be a space for black educators

 to connect to one another, support one another, and celebrate one another in a safe space.


Hispanic Latino Affinity Group

Established in the 2022-2023 academic year, the CCSD Hispanic- Latino Affinity Group created goals to advocate for district resources to support in the following:

  • Goal #1 Create a Hispanic-Latino Affinity committee to support recruitment, retention, and innovation among CCSD Hispanic-Latino employees

  • Goal #2 Support Hispanic-Latino staff in CCSD with professional development and career advancement opportunities

  • Goal #3 Make recommendations to CCSD on how to improve the outcomes for Hispanic-Latino staff members, families, and students

  • Goal #4 Create a work-based network to support Hispanic-Latino CCSD employees