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CCSD Online

Charles Hazelrigg

Charles Hazelrigg
CCSD Online Learning Coordinator

75 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401




Eyamba Williams
CCSD Online Learning Counselor

75 Calhoun Street
Charleston, SC 29401






The CCSD Online Learning Program offers a variety of rigorous courses for high school credit in a virtual environment. In addition to their regularly scheduled courses, students may choose to enroll in an online course if it interests them, their school isn't able to offer it, or they have scheduling conflicts.  
  • VirtualSC
  • Virtual Charleston
  • Imagine Edgenuity
  • Distance Learning 
We also offer a Full-Time online option for students in grades 9-12. Please ask your School Counselor for more information if you think this is a suitable environment. You can also learn more by visiting our homepage linked below. 
Please visit our HOMEPAGE to learn more about CCSD Online Learning!