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Board of Trustees

CCSD Board of Trustees

    Pictured from left to right: Daron Calhoun, Pamela McKinney, Leah Whatley, Carlotte Bailey, Ed Kelley, Darlene Roberson, Courtney Waters, Keith Grybowski, Dr. Carol Tempel

BoardDocs - CCSD

The CCSD Board of Trustees typically meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.  Any exceptions to this meeting schedule will be posted publicly on the CCSD website.

Beginning in August 2023, per policy BDE  the Committee of the Whole meeting agendas shall consist of three categories: policy, strategic education, and other business. Written and in-person public comments will be reserved for Board Meetings. 

Citizens who wish to address the Board in person may do so by registering themselves in person in the lobby of 75 Calhoun Street. The registration will open one hour prior to the start time of each Board meeting. Speakers may only register themselves to speak and are limited to one timeslot.

Please note: Per Policy BE, the time allotted for in-person commentators to address the Board shall not exceed two (2) minutes and shall be evenly divided up if the number of in-person comments and virtual comments to be read aloud exceeds the above-referenced thirty (30) minutes timeframe. This may reduce a speaker's time from 2 minutes to 1 minute, depending on the number of individuals signed up to speak at each meeting. 

Citizens can submit public comments electronically using this form. All comments posted in the online form prior to one hour before the start of the meeting will be used during the meeting. Those posted after will be used in the next meeting.