What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
Charleston County School District is pleased to provide PowerSchool access to all K-12 parents.
Self Account Creation is now enabled!
PowerSchool parent account features:
- Access your child's grades and assignment information. (See instructions in our Helpful Videos section.)
- Provide vital information to CCSD through completion of forms.
- Update emergency contact information at any time throughout the school year.
- Complete returning student registration forms online. Access is available through your PowerSchool parent account.
Addtional Resources:
- How to find your student's schedule (ENGLISH) (EN ESPANOL)
Parent Portal Videos:
YouTube link provided below each video
Parent Portal 1 | English: How to access, forgot username/ password, locked out
Parent Portal 1 | en español: Cómo acceder, olvido de nombre de usuario/contraseña, bloqueo
Parent Portal 1| em português: Como acessar, esqueci usuário/senha, bloqueado
Parent Portal 2 | English: How to create an account
Parent Portal 2 | en español: Cómo Crear una cuenta
Parent Portal 2 | em português: Como criar uma conta
Parent Portal 3 | English: How to link a students to my account
Parent Portal 3 | en español: Cómo vincular un alumno a mi cuenta
Parent Portal 3 | em português: Como vincular um aluno à minha conta
Registration Instructions Videos:
Student Registration | English
Inscripción de Alumnos | en español
Matrícula Estudantil | em português