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Student Transfer FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Student Transfer

CCSD has been one of the foremost leaders in the development of choice options for parents and guardians. One of the choice options we provide is called Student Transfer. This is an opportunity to request that a child attend a non-magnet school that is outside their normal attendance zone.

When does the student transfer request period start/end?

All transfer requests must be submitted to the district application portal between midnight March 1st and 11:59 p.m. March 31st to be included in a lottery for transfers to non-magnet schools. Transfer requests submitted after this deadline will be considered after all lottery students have been placed and waiting lists have been established. For the 2023-2024 school year, CCSD will reopen transfer applications in June 2023 for off-season transfer requests.

What is a student transfer? 

A student transfer is a request made to your constituent district office asking that your child be allowed to attend a non-magnet school outside of their attendance zone. For example, a parent who wishes to have their child attend North Charleston Elementary School versus Ladson Elementary School even though they live in the Ladson Elementary attendance zone.

When does the student transfer request period start/end?

All transfer requests must be submitted to the district application portal between midnight March 1st and 11:59 p.m. March 31st to be included in a lottery for transfers to non-magnet schools. Transfer requests submitted after this deadline will be considered after all lottery students have been placed and waiting lists have been established.

Where can I find forms, instructions, and more information? 

All information is available on the CCSD website. Click on the “Student Transfers” link under the Quick Links heading. CCSD will update this page throughout the year. Links on this page will direct applications to the district application portal where further instructions and the application form can be found.

Does the student transfer process apply to specialized programs, magnets, charters, or military transfers? 

No, all of these have their own separate application process.

Is transportation provided if my child is granted a voluntary transfer?

No. If a child is granted a student transfer, it is the parents' or guardians' responsibility to provide transportation.

Once accepted, can my students remain at the school until they “age out” or do they need to reapply each year?

Generally, once a student transfer is granted the child is allowed to remain at the school until they complete the final grade in the building. The school board does reserve the right to return students to their home schools in the case of special circumstances, such as overcrowding, rezoning, etc.